Welcome to AI Group of DSD Course.
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Member Introduction
Fang Hanbin(P.M.&Coder)
I'm from Jilin University.I can use C++,python,Java, verilog and maybe good at traditional algorithm and analysis math. I've won some prizes in algorithm competitions and participated in research on programmable switches. I hope to gain some development experience in this project.I hope our development process was smooth and enjoyable.
Pinhuan Joey Wang(Liason)
I'm an undergraduate student from the College of Computer Science and Technology at the Jilin University.
Li Zhenhao(Coder)
A real ikun and a good guy.
Yi Ran(tester)
I'm an undergraduate from Jilin University. I'm now an intern at Bytedance working for some games' abilities. I'm good at software & system security, backend developing. as for coding language. I can code with C/C++, Python, Golang, Javascript, Java. I was a fan of Chelsea F.C. but I haven't pay attention to football nowadays. I'm poor in English.
Samuel Borges(R.A.)
From Universidade de TrĂ¡s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal.Get some work experience before finishing my master degree. Interested in video games, tv shows, football and formula 1.Created a interactive map that presents georeferenced data on the screen using leaflet.
Tiago (S.A.)
The personal goals that I want to achieve are:Continue to develop my ability to constantly learn in the area of computer science through courses, training and challenging projects; To develop leadership and communication skills to lead successful team projects in computer science;To be a dedicated and responsible professional, committed to the quality of work and the results achieved;To develop myself as a person and as a professional, always open to new experiences and opportunities.